¿Why Self-confidence?
“’Confidence’ comes from the Latin fidere, ‘to trust.’ To be self-confident is to trust in oneself, and, in particular, in one’s ability or aptitude to engage successfully or at least adequately with the world.” –Neel Burton, M.D
Self-confidence is necessary for you to develop social skills, become more resilient, and embrace you full potential inside and outside the work. Self-confidence is a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, achievement and judgment.
A healthy sense of self-confidence is all about having a balanced view of yourself. It is why you can take pride in your abilities while recognizing your flaws. Why is self-confidence so important, it is about to trust on yourself and this quality of personality are affecting your system your designing?
If you have high self-confidence, you meet customer needs in a very creative way.With these qualities, self-confidence is something that benefits you in a powerful way, because not only is it a good feeling that naturally makes you happier and more successful, but it’s also something that you can develop and maintain in any situation.
This is because it is self-confidence that comes from within you, not confidence that comes from things that are external to you.
Reasons that self-confidence vital for IT-architect:
- You asks questions: Self-confidence allows you to ask questions, even when others are silent. Self-confidence lets you “ask for the right questions.”
- Freedom from social situations: The more secure you feel in your self-worth, regardless of how others see you, the less concerned you are with what others might think of you in social situations.
- More peace of mind and less stress: freedom from self-doubt, fear, and anxiety naturally
- Believe In yourself: Self-confidence means believing in yourself. Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right.”He was right..
- Start things: Self-confidence makes you start things and achieve them. Your Ability to start a new idea even when those around them are still pondering it. The energized you are to take action to achieve them
- Ability to stand up for yourself: Self-confidence allows you to stand up for yourself in a fair and consistent manner. Otherwise, you may find yourself unfairly treated..
- Ability to say No: Self-confidence is having the ability to say “No” where appropriate. You do not take on inappropriate work.
- Ability to say Yes: Self-confidence is saying “Yes” to opportunity.
Lack of self-confidence results in inaction and not standing up for yourself. It results in missed chances and setting poor solutions.
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